
dr Bogumił Wolski




Senior lecturer at Department of English Philology at Krosno State College. He graduated from Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin (master’s thesis on American literature) and completed postgraduate studies in methodology (Warsaw University). Doctoral studies at Faculty of Arts in the field of British and American Studies at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Kosice, Slovakia. He wrote his doctoral thesis on the representation of ethnic minorities in Britain, with a focus on comedy. Participant in numerous domestic and international conferences and study visits on methodology, culture and project management. Lectures at various European universities under Erasmus programme. Author of publications in Polish and foreign periodicals. His academic interests include methodology, new technologies in education, media, multiculturalism and ethnic relations. He is a former head of Department of English at Krosno State College and former Director of Language Teacher Training College in Krosno. Awarded a silver Cross of Merit by the President of Poland.

Zakupu oprogramowania dokonano w ramach projektu “Budowa szerokopasmowej regionalnej sieci internetowej w Krośnie i w powiecie krośnieńskim współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Zintegrowanego Programu Operacyjnego Rozwoju Regionalnego"
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