Biblioterapia na ferie/Bibliotherapy for the winter break
Last month the BBC launched its new initiative: a bibliotherapy column. You are asked to send them an email to tell them what ails or irks you, "be it broken resolutions or a broken heart, whether you’re feeling lost in life or stuck in your career. [They will] recommend you some books old and new, mostly though not exclusively fiction, that are sure to speak to your predicament, offering insights and encouragement as well as a little escapism.
Send an email to describing a problem in your life that you need some help with. Hephzibah Anderson will prescribe the books that offer the best advice for your situation. Submissions should be 200 words or fewer and may be edited prior to publication."
So do you want to have a try? Why not? Write to us later what advice you have received and whether it has worked. We will publish the best reports (anonymous if necessary).