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'Engrish: uses of English around the world' - second meeting of English Club, 9th March, 4-5:00 pm


 We warmly invite all the students of junior high schools and high schools, all college students as well as any other people who might be interested to take part in the course of meetings that will be organised from March to May 2015 by the Department of English. Each of the one-hour meetings will be carried out in English by the teachers of the departments of English and Translation. During each of the meetings there will be a short lecture followed by a discussion.

If you want to spend an afternoon in a nice way, polish your English, talk about interesting subjects with foreign students of Krosno State College; if you want to learn something about the British humour and sitcoms, about Australian animals, British and American food or about the communication and the language itself, we are inviting you on Mondays at 4 pm to room 202 in the College Library Building at Rynek 1 (way through the main office of PWSZ).

Please find below the schedule of the March and April meetings. The topics of May meetings will be announced in due course.




2nd March

mgr Agnieszka Habrat

Fear not! Communicate


9th March

dr Chris Brighton

Engrish: uses of English around the world


16th March

(beginning of the Academic week, the meeting will be an introduction to the translation workshops 17-18.03)

dr Władysław Chłopicki

Is British humour translatable? Hardly, hard

as you may try


30th March

mgr Teresa Przyprawa

Not only kangaroos and koalas. Interesting animals of Australia


13th April

dr Ewa Newerle-Wolska

Bon apppetit: British and American Food Traditions

20th April

dr Bogumił  Wolski

Who Killed the British Sitcom? A Murder Investigation

27th April

lecture cancelled due to

International Conference

 Across Borders VI: The West Looks East, 27-28 April 2015, Krosno



(translated by A. Bernal, Year III)

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