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2nd Global Issues Conference Worldwide, April 4-8, 2016


Dear Teachers and Students!

Join us for the Second Annual Global Issues Conference (GIC2) that will take place from April 4-7.

Students from Peru, Poland, Russia, France, Kyrgyzstan, China and the US will present and discuss their original research in a series of panels that will be held throughout the week in Sabameeting, an online webmeeting application.

Session topics include immigration and migration, women and gender issues, global education, business and tourism, language and the arts to name a few. Both students and teachers are welcome to join the discussion. The attached flyer has information regarding times and dates as well as links to access the individual panels.

Four of our English Department Year III students will give presentations:

Aneta Adamska Language of (In)Tolerance  (session on Migration and Immigration Issues

Sylwia Horowska The Issue of Women's Image (session on Women's Issues)

Michał Mazur Media and Immigration Issues (session on Migration and Immigration Issues) 

Beata Munia What do we know about Learning Disabilities? (session on Learning and Education)

The Conference programme with links to particular sessions at

In order to join a session, click the session link and follow the instructions. 

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