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Across Borders: Cultures in dialogue in Tartu, Estonia, April 27-29, 2017

The 7th international Across Borders conference organisers would like to invite all scholars in humanities, esp. literature, linguistics, communication, folkloristics, media, cultural studies, humour studies, translation and interpreting, teaching methodology, to a discussion on the broad subject of cultural neighbourhood and intercultural encounters within it.
The conference will this time take place in Tartu, Estonia. Please find the call for papers and further detailed information in the call for papers on the conference webpage at  The conference website itself is located at: and you need to register by filling in the registration form there.
Feel free to spread the news of our conference among colleagues and in your institutions - the conference will definitely offer a rewarding scholarly and social experience!
The important deadlines are:
* The deadline for the submission of paper proposals is January 20, 2017
* Acceptance notifications will be sent by January 30, 2017
* The deadline for paying early registration fee (120 EUR; 70 EUR for students incl. doctoral students) is March 31, 2017
* Late registration fee (150 EUR) can be paid until April 20, 2017.
With kind regards,
Wladyslaw Chlopicki
Wladyslaw Witalisz
Liisi Laineste


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