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Juwenalia - Students Fest 2014 in Krosno



For three bright and warm days of May, from the 21st to the 23rd, we took over the Old Town of Krosno and nearby buildings to celebrate our holiday,'Juwenalia',students' fest dedicated to the celebration of vibrant student life.,

For the fifteenth time, youthful energy filled the Old Town square with music, dancing, bright colors, and the many voices of our students. The Juvenalia started with the International Youth Festival. Students from Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus, Spain and Russia shared with us their many diverse talents - from folk dancing to modern songs and theatre. Particular performers were presented by two of our friends from Year II of English Philology, Ania Bernal and Sylwester Urban, who compered the Festival.

The event started with the traditional Polonaise presented by the Song and Dance Ensemble from our own college. Hungarian students followed with their traditional dance, and matched it with a modern song. The sound of guitars from the Spanish students of Cordoba University brought thunderous applause. The music continued with Ukrainian students from Lvov Printing Academy who incidentally, also spoke Polish quite well. The real treat was an interesting mini-play performed by Russian students from Yekaterinburg,  shared their modern adaptation of a traditional Russian folk tale about the golden fish. The play presented a humorous account of a harsh (but familiar) students’ life, where frequent parties and cramming before exam sessions are balanced by the most important things - friendship and fun. Towards the end we had a chance to watch and listen to our own students from Krosno State College, who danced traditional “Krakowiak” and sang Polish folk songs. 

The festivities then moved to the Old Town Square in a lively, colorful parade, featuring faculty dressed in their “togas” and Krosno College students, as well students from the Postgraduate School of Culture, Animators in colorful costumes. Together they marched to the Old Town square to besiege the city of Krosno. Students flooded the town in a massive, lively crowd. After a warm welcome form the Rector of Krosno State College, Professor Grzegorz Przebinda, the Mayor of the town,  Mr. Piotr  Przytocki,  handed the symbolic keys over to the student representatives dressed in Medieval outfits.

The second day of the celebration brought us the Science Festival, which featured further creative performances on the 

stage. Future engineers, teachers, nurses and others from Krosno State College,  as well as our international guests showed their creative talents with stage performances of humorous and creative skits, songs and poetry. Russian Culture and Language students presented a parody of the popular show “the Voice of Poland” as Donatan & Cleo, Lady Gaga and Alexander Rybak lookalikes sang their hit songs in Russian. Construction engineers advertised their department with women who were not afraid to use electric drills and saws on the stage, causing bouts of uncontrolled laughter.

Dr. Chris Bighton and students of the English Department (Ania Bernal, Renata Tokarska, Aneta Adamska, Marcin Bania and Paweł Kowalczyk) shared with us the sonnets of William Shakespeare – uncannily timed, as we celebrated the The science Festival created an opportunity not only to present the creativity of students but also get in touch with local residents, and to present our college.  Therefore along with the stage performances, there were public lectures as well as stands that      presented all departments.


This year the students got some very unique opportunities – the Juwenalia were a party, yes, but also a cultural event for our town. We listened to some great speakers and lectures, got a chance to hear indie music as well as witness poetry and art from around the world. It was more than just a parade – it was a celebration of multiculturalism in our town, an opportunity for all of us. And we’ll be looking forward to next year.

(Written by Kaja Wosiek, English Philology, Year I)  Polish translation


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