

Fourth International Communication Styles Conference 12-13 November 2019



Communication Styles conference is the fourth in the series of biannual conferences which were initiated in 2013 and took place in Krosno in Poland. So far  the conferences have a publication record with a collection of articles entitled Culture’s Software: Communication Styles (Cambridge Scholars 2015), a special issue of the Styles of Communication journal (9:1; 2017) and an issue of Tertium Linguistic Journal (3.1; 2018).  

This time we would like to invite international scholars to a themed conference, the focus of which will be


Communication Styles 4 – Radical Thought – Radical Language - Radical Communication Style   

The conference aims at shedding light on the trend to radicalize language in connection with radical political, social or religious ideas/ideologies across discourses genres and media, between individuals and groups, between the present and the past, between the culture specific and the universal, in conflict and dialogue as well as in the following spheres:

  • public and private discourse
  • political language 
  • intercultural and cross-cultural communication
  • aggressive and polite communication (netiquette)
  • vulgarisms and taboos
  • political correctness as a means to alleviate radicalism
  • persuasion
  • folklore
  • creativity, metaphor and art
  • humour – corrective and benevolent- satire, parody, irony 
  • family and between genders
  • business communication
  • translating radical texts

Conference language: English

Special, organized thematic sessions are invited too.

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