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Zapraszamy: Global Issues Conference 3 Worldwide, April 3rd to 5th 2017





Trzecia już międzynarodowa online video konferecja z cyklu Global Issues, organizowana przez naszą uczelnię, rozpoczyna się w poniedziałek 3 kwietnia i potrwa do środy 5 kwietnia. Tym razem wśród uczestników obok studentów, prezentować swoje referaty będą także wykładowcy z 8 krajów i trzech kontynentów.

Zachęcamy wszystkich do słuchania, a także włączania się do dyskusji.
Wszelkie informacje i program znajdują się na stronie konferencji:



Global Issues Conference 3

Worldwide, April 3rd to 5th 2017


I am pleased to announce the 3rd Global Issues Conference which will begin on Monday 3rd April and last until Wednesday 5th April 2017. The session times are are given in the website below as ECU or Central European Time - so please convert to your local time zone.

We have over 35 presenters from the following institutions:

  • Krosno State College, Krosno, Poland
  • East Carolina University (ECU), Greenville, USA
  • Shaanxi Normal University, Xian, China
  • Beijing Union University (BUU), Beijing, China
  • CEED’CV Distance Education, Valencia, Spain
  • Pyatigorsk State University, Pyatigorsk, Russia
  • Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • University of the Gambia, Serekunda, Gambia

The sessions of the conference are on Global Issues, the Media, Education, Culture and Ethics. All the themes and papers present issues that effect all of us today.​

It is hoped that as many of our partners as possible attend the sessions to provide an audience and participate in discussions on these important topics.

To find out more information and to find the links to attend the Zoom sessions, please go to the following website:


Best regards to all, 

Christopher Brighton 

Conference Organizer

Krosno State College, Poland


phot. PEXELS (CC0 License)


Organizing Committee:                dr Christopher Brighton, Krosno State College, Poland and East Carolina University, USA



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