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About the Institute

The Institute for Humanities at the Stanisław Pigoń Krosno State College is located in the building of Collegium Pigonianum at 4-8 Kazimierza Wielkiego Street in Krosno. It is the oldest building of the college, dating back to the 17th century, and the former premises of the Jesuit College Other institutions formerly located there include the National Weaving School and Primary School No. 1. In the years 2003-2005, after the acquisition of the buildings by the Krosno State College, owing to the initiative of the college authorities and owing to the funds obtained from the subsidies of the European Union, the facilities underwent general renovation. At present, the students and teachers, using the modern infrastructure of Collegium Pigonianum, treasure the atmosphere, a peculiar genius loci that originates from the rich history of this unique place.

On 9 October  2006, a commemorative plaque in tribute of Stanisław Pigoń - a distinguished Polonist involved with the region of Krosno - was attached to the building of the Institute. The ceremony at 8 Kazimierza Wielkiego Street was honoured by the participation of, among others, Mr. Piotr Przytocki, the Mayor of Krosno, and former authorities of the College - Prof. Janusz Gruchała Krosno State College Rector as well as vice-rectors Prof. Maria Ruda and Dr. Władysław Witalisz. Prof. Franciszek Ziejka, the Rector of the Jagiellonian University  in the years 1999-2005, also participated in this event.

Six years later, at the request of the College Senate and following the decision of the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Stanisław Pigoń was announced the patron of the college that is named after him since 2012. The Members of the Senate chose this scholarly, hard-working, just and righteous man, professor of the universities in Poznań, Vilnius, Kraków, a teacher, as well as a soldier, who heroically served for his fatherland.

At the beginning, the existence of the Institute for Humanities was linked with the fulfilment of the idea of a college educating teachers, which was based on pedagogy and Polish studies, and later also on foreign philologies. At that stage of development of the Humanities in Krosno, a very important role was performed by Professor Halina Kurek, research supervisor of the Stanisław Pigoń College of the Polish Language in Krosno (1992-2000) as well as the Dean of the Philology Department at the Jagiellonian University in the years 1999-2005.

Primarily, alongside the two basic organisational structures of the Institute of Humanities - Polish Philology Department and Pedagogy Department, also the departments of the English, German, Russian Philology, as well as of Translation Studies were formed consecutively. Owing to the dynamic changes in the market, the didactic challenges and the organisational needs of the college, there are currently three departments: the English Philology Department, the Pedagogy Department, and the Intercultural Communication Department.

The Institute for Humanities was  headed consecutively by Dr. Janusz Gruchała, professor at the Krosno State College and college Rector in the years 2004-2012, currently Head of the Department of Editing and Auxiliary Sciences at the Jagiellonian University, Dr. Władysław Witalisz, professor at the Krosno State College, vice-rector for Development of the Krosno State College in the years 2004-2012, current vice-dean of the Department of Philologies at the Jagiellonian University, Prof. Kazimierz Sikora (Head of the Institute in the years 2004-2012), as well as Dr. Władysław Chłopicki (Head of the Institute from 2012 to 2016). Another person associated with the Institute  is also Professor Grzegorz Przebinda, the current Rector of the college and Russian studies expert,

Among the most important achievements of the Institute and alongside the didactic and academic work, we there have been many popularising initiatives related to broadly defined pedagogics, culture, and tradition of the mother tongue and foreign languages.

On 13-14 May 2015 a very significant event took place at the Krosno State College, organised by the Institute for Humanities - the National Congress: Modern Humanities in State Colleges. During the congress,  a reading room named after Pik Mirandola, man of letters, translator, and a distinguished humanist from Krosno, was opened in the library of the Krosno State College.

Written by Bartosz Gołąbek.

Translation: Anna Pawlik


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