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Translation Workshops

 Languages and culture

The event, to which students from the secondary schools in the region are invited already has its established tradition. The translation workshops were initiated in 2011 by Anna Wyrwa, MA (the former Head of the Translation Studies Department) in cooperation with Maria Jędrzejowska, MA, English philologist (a former teacher at the English Philology Department). Owing to joint efforts of the teachers from all philology departments it was possible to prepare the first Translation Workshops, which aimed at presenting the difficulties and enjoyment related to the translator’s job.

The main idea of these meetings is connecting groups of college students and secondary schools students in joint work. The groups are divided into language sections and the translations, thorough analysis and interpretations, are carried out under the supervision of experienced translators and at the same time the teachers of our college. Each year, the final part of the event is a collective summary of the work that has been done, a presentation of the translation examples and accentuating difficulties and traps present in the translation work.

The translation workshops at Krosno State College:

    •       2011 – Films

    •       2013 – Humour and audiovisual translation

    •       2014 – Diversity

    •       2015 – Cuisine

    •       2016 –  Translation as a creation

Zakupu oprogramowania dokonano w ramach projektu “Budowa szerokopasmowej regionalnej sieci internetowej w Krośnie i w powiecie krośnieńskim współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Zintegrowanego Programu Operacyjnego Rozwoju Regionalnego"
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