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A Visit to China


From October 22 to November 11, Dr Christopher Brighton and four students of English Philology (Natalia Nóżka, Marlena Wiśniowska, Piotr Dziok) visited China. They spent the first two weeks in Hangzhou Foreign Language School. Their main goal was to observe the differences in teaching methods and approaches. The students observed classes conducted by English teachers and by working with their tutors, they were able to gain new experience and develop teaching skills. They also participated in links with the United States and Krosno’s high school. At the end of the second week the students conducted a class, which was a sum up of the work they had done over the two weeks in China. Our students spent their third week in Beijing. They visited Business College of Beijing Union University, where they could observe English lessons and participate in Global Understanding classes, although they mainly focused on interaction with Chinese students. They spent their free time sightseeing and tasting Chinese cuisine (Do not miss pictures in the gallery).

Piotr Dziok

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