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Visit in China - Week Two


The second week of our stay in China at the ENTEL Foreign Language School in Hangzhou began with the flag raising ceremony. Then we went to class because it was another week of our internship. During the week we also had to prepare for demonstration lessons, which we then gave in class.

We also took part in links with USA and Poland as well as lectures conducted by dr Brighton.

On Tuesday, Peter presented a presentation about Poland and our school to Hangzhou ENTEL Foreign Language School students. In the evening with dr Brighton, ENTEL representatives and teachers who took care of our internship, we went to a formal dinner.

On Wednesday we visited the primary school, where we also had the opportunity to the lessons. In the evening, we went for a walk with the teachers from that school. It was a chance for us to see what the city look like in the night scenery.

Thursday afternoon we went to a tea plantation. We could walk in the mountains among the tea bushes and admire the beautiful Chinese views. After the trip we had the opportunity to taste and buy green tea from spring and autumn harvest. On the same day we went to West Lake where a traditional festival on the water took place. It was a chance for us to meet the Chinese culture. We were all impressed by this wonderful show.

Friday was the last day of our stay at Hangzhou ENTEL Foreign Language School. After classes we said goodbye to the students and teachers. It was very difficult for us because we had made many new friends for two weeks, and we also spent a lot of enjoyable and unforgettable moments in that place.

On Saturday morning we set off for a six-hour train ride to Beijing. It was to be another and the last point of our visit to China.

The remaining pictures can be seen in the picture gallery.

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