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Our graduates

Paweł Lorenc


Welcome! Why should you seriously consider studying in Krosno? There are many reasons, but for me the most significant advantage is the high standard of teaching. I have really pleasant memories of classes and seminars run by lecturers from the  Jagiellonian University, though it was not always easy. Maybe this is the reason why the Krosno PWSZ college is often referred to as “a small Jagiellonian University.”

Moreover, the classes taught by the lecturers from England and the United States helped me very much to feel more confident in using English. The title of BA in English from Krosno’s  PWSZ opened the door for me to study towards the MA degree in TESOL at London Metropolitan University. If you are interested in studying English in a good college, then the PWSZ in Krosno is a place for you.  Have a good time studying English there!  (Paweł Lorenc, Class  2006).        

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