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Polish-Mexican songs and poems - Global Understanding course bears fruit


Mówią, że muzyka łączy ludzi, bez słów trafia do wielu. Zobaczcie, jak poezja połączyła ludzi z odległych stron świata, którzy słowami zbudowali wspólnie przestrzenie, w których nie ma granic, barier kulturowych i wszystko wydaje się jasne, chociaż wyrażone w obcym języku.

Zapraszamy do przeczytania wierszy (poniżej), które studenci II roku DSDT tworzyli wraz ze swoim kolegami z Universidad del Monterrey w Meksyku na kursie telekonferencyjnym „Global Understanding” w semestrze letnim 2013/2014.
Gratulujemy i czekamy na kolejne owoce akademickiej wymiany myśli, wiedzy i spostrzeżeń między naszymi studentami i studentami z innych części świata w ramach projektu Global Partners in Education.

Global Partenrs in Education was born out of East Carolina University’s Global Academic Initiatives program as a way to provide an international educational experience to ECU students unable to travel abroad. The program included construction of the Global Classroom, and development of Global Understanding, a course that gives students one to one interaction with their peers from universities around the world. ECU also engages with partners through lecture exchanges, joint courses, and international research.



Iwona Zagórska & Ricardo Lobaton
A little kitten went to the forest
After his mother told him it’s not okay
She told him at this hour it would be hottest
For a tiger to make him his pray.
But the kitten didn’t listen
And when he was deep inside
He saw an orange bristle
That was from a tiger strongly tied.
And this tiger told the kitten to go back home
Or he would end up like him
So he ran away from the unknown
And promised he would always listen to his Mama Kin.
Justyna Jajko & Olivia Heckel
Mexico and Poland,
glorious ground,
we have a lot of differences,
created by our life experiences.
Religion and traditions,
rise from the ashes and blood,
we cannot think about the future
without the blessing of God.
A broad history paid with lives,
full of scars and sacrifices.
The motherland protected by their hands,
owe this independence to its fallen faithful sons.
Kinga Olejko & Isabella Larios
Our family might hold distance, the Atlantic might hold reason
Our family might be different, two countries might hold reason
Still loved, still dear, still in our hearts
Our family might think different, our values might hold reason
Our family might be hold laugher, our passion might hold reason
Still loved, still dear, still in our hearts
Matylda Czapor & Leslie Martínez
From the crucial things I see
the main of them is my family.
Even if we often argue,
they are my important value.
My parents taught me to be good
from my early childhood,
to be honest, kind and nice
and behave always wise.
As my friend from Poland said
family is my first place
Values are based on respect
And with love we have to care
Our religion is a strength
And we try to follow it.
Krystyna Padewska & Aletse Gonzalez
The first one:
There are the old and the young,
The rich and the poor
Gingers and Blonde
Sure and Unsure.
Ann sings beautiful,
She can’t count however
Tom yawns at school
He knows all forever.
Ann wears glasses
Tom has freckles
She plays chess well
He doesn’t like games.
Ann is much taller
Tom by her smaller
They are the best friends
This is how this story ends.
Krystyna Padewska & Aletse Gonzalez
The second one:
There are so many ways to be dreaming
Kids do it asleep and awake
Older people are forgetting
How wonderful it can be to have a dream or two.
Keep dreaming little ones; dream big for once
And do not forget what you though
Because the point is to reach them, even if they are rough.
Just remember to love
Give what you want and take what you don’t
To love someone so much
Is the feeling that you feel untouched?
Always remember that feeling
Because no matter they call you snappy
Giving and taking
Is the perfect way to be happy.


Kamil Pelczarski & Ana Karen Armas
The year begins with sunny spring
And it’s the most important thing
It brings hope for everyone;
All the people are as one
We cheer up, enjoying life
We’re like bees in every hive.
Every year, when it is summer,
Joy is striking like a hammer
Next in order is the love
Pure and honest like a dove
All these feelings make us glad
When we play with mum and dad
Then comes autumn, gloomy time
But it’s hard to find a rhyme!
Sometimes wind and awful dust
It’s difficult, just like trust.
And required is belief
The other person isn’t a thief
Children in the whole world know
That in winter there is snow
With respect, it is the same
Children know the respect name
It’s what parents try to teach
No exceptions, simply – each
All the values mentioned here
In our lives always appear
Whether you live in Africa
Europe, Australia or America
They’re important for all of us
And they never ever pass.
Meeting with Universidad del Monterrey Mexico
Meeting with China Pharmaceutical University in Nanjing

Dziękujemy dr. Chrisowi Brightonowi, który rozpoczął i odpowiada za realizację projektu Global Partners in Education w naszej Uczelni. Mamy nadzieję, że we współpracy z innymi nauczycielami będzie go dalej rozwijał. Dzięki projektowi studenci PWSZ mają możliwość pracować wspólnie ze studentami z innych krajów, poznawać ich kulturę i zwyczaje, poglądy oraz sposób życia. Mają także możliwość podzielenia się wiedzą na temat polskich tradycji i kultury, a także polskiego stylu życia, poglądów czy wartości. 

Więcej informacji na temat projektu Global Partners in Education:

Global Understanding Course at Krosno State College

6th Global Partners in Education Conference in Krosno

Global Understanding Course at East Carolina University

Global Understanding Course w Katedrze UNESCO UJ w Krakowie



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